Jena's Page

About Me
Algarve info
About Me
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Photos and wallpapers of «The Tribe»


Ok, let´s publish more about me. I´m 19 years old and, as I said before, I live in Portugal, in the Algarve. I´m German, and I speak English, Portuguese and German. I learned French during 3 years, at school, but I forgot everything. :-)

My life:
I was born in Berlin, Germany. The first time I went to portugal, I was a little baby. We lived at the countryside and I loved to have Nature around. After a while here, we went to Germany again, for job reasons and because my brother was about to be born.
When we returned, we had to move to a village cause my baby brother had some heart problems, and we wanted to live nearer to a hospital (little after he became well). 
We passed half of the year in Portugal and the other half in Germany, during some years.
When I went to school, we wanted to stay here and go to Germany only on the Summerhollidays. I went to a Portuguese school in the first year, but I moved to a German one here in Portugal in the second. The third I passed  in a school in Germany, but when I returned to Portugal, they said I had to go to the second.
I was shocked that I was going to loose 2 years, but I continued to study. In the following year I made the second, third and fourth grade and went streightaway to the 5th, ufff! I was really happy.
I continued in Portugal and we hadn´t to move to Germany for job reasons anymore, just for hollidays.
Now I´m in the 12th and next year I wanna go to the University here in Portugal, study Medecins, to be a Vet.
Well, the last sentence was last year ;)... Now I'm really studying veterinary Medecins in Lisbon... Although it is much work and studying, I like it very much.
I've now finished 3 semestres and I love it more and more. I'm very happy about that 'cause many of my friends changed opinions and moved to another course, loosing 1 year. I've decided that I want to go to England for Erasmus, that is, if I have anough money saved until there.
Now you know much about me, I hope it was a little interesting to read.




Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:

Schindlers List, The day after tomorrow, The Lord of the Rings.

Here's a list of some of my favorite music:

Evanescence, Anastacia, Avril Lavigne, Nickelback, RHCP...
Here´s a list of some of my favourite books:
Harry Potter, Homeless, Crazy Moon, Anne Rice, Dan Brown...
And a list of some of my favourite hobbies:
Reading, Making music, Drawing, Listening to music, Surfing in the Internet, Bike riding...
