Jena's Page

Algarve info
About Me
Favorite Links
Contact Me
Photos and wallpapers of «The Tribe»


Flower of an Almondtree «flor de amendoeira»

Hi, welcome to my website!
This is my first website, so it isn´t perfect. But if you want to know more about me, this is the ideal place for it.
Well, how shall I start. I live in Portugal and want you to show something about this country (specially about Lagos, my hometown in the Algarve).
I hope you enjoy your stay and like my homepage. ;-)

If you have any questions, please contact me.

What's New?

Here I might add an entry whenever I make an update to my web site.
31.10.2004: Halloween! huuh.... Perfect time to make my homepage.
02.11.2004: Included some Algarve infos to the homepage.
06.02.2005: Uhhh, so much time without any update.
                   I aded some new pictures and drawings.
25.11.2005: After so much time I decided to visit the site again. Soon I'll add more ;)...loool.
14.02.2007: Okay, here I am again. A little older and wiser....lool.... Finally there is something to read at the Algarve Info....I hope you enjoy it....***

One of Algarves beautiful beaches

Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.